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tv   Fox 5 News Edge at 6  FOX  July 28, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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the house. speaker boehner needs 216 votes to get his debt ceiling bill passed. now, this was all on track to be voted for right now. debate started at 4:00. it was supposed to be put up for final passage some time around 6:00, just ten minutes ago, it was announced abruptly that the debt vote will not happen, raising big questions tonight whether the speaker of the house has the vote to get his debt ceiling bill through his own republican party. house speaker john boehner, it's been a test of how much he speaks for gop members. would he pass a plan or would tea party pressure throw it overboard? >> the bill is not perfect. nobody said it was perfect. nobody believes it is perfect but what this bill reflects is a sincere, honest effort to end this crisis. >> the speaker's plan cuts $917
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billion in ten years. it would raise the debt ceiling for only six months. in the senate, leader harry reid is push is own plan and promises that the speaker's proposal will be defeated. >> he keeps killing the measures that we send only and threatening to dot same with the one we send over today. >> but democrats say that republicans cuts is too deep. >> this is not about reducing the debt. we can come to an agreement on that. but we cannot come to agreement on that hardship that they want to place on the middle class. >> but make no mistake. this debate has not been contained just to the capitol building. for the past two days,it has been filled with voices from both sides turning out in force. >> it's bipartisan -- >> obama bankrupted everything already. >> arguments sparked up at a democratic and union rally
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again the republican plan. this is aimed at countering an anti-tea party. >> you cannot allow the united states to default on it obligation, on its responsibility. >> reporter: but with time running out, the conflict between democrats and republicans over the debt ceiling shows no sign of ending before the august 2nd deadline. once gwen, there is a possibility this vote could move forward on speaker boehner's bill but as it stands right now, that vote is on hold the u.s. army says an awol soldier admitted to planning an attack on fort hood, texas. the associated press reported an e-mail to all army units saying that private asser abdu confessed. abdu who is a muslim might have
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been planning an attack similar to what happened in fort hood in twine that killed 13 soldiers. developing stories in temple hills where firefighters found a woman dead. they found the victim on the first floor balcony. her body has signs of trauma. but investigators are waiting for the medical examiner's report. women slashed while shopping. tonight, we are hearing from one of the victims. >> the 20-year-old was the first victim of a man who is believed to be using a box cutter to slash the rear ends of women at different shopping centers. it happened five times in the last five months and the victim who spoke with us today wishes the police had alerted the public sooner. >> reporter: this 20-year-old woman who prefers to remain unidentified was walking out of fair oaks mall on valentine's day. a man carrying a yellow plastic
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bag was right behind her when she felt a sharp pain in her bottom. >> hey, you just cut my leggings. he was like, no, no, no. it was my bag. he was carrying a yellow bag. he is like, no, no, no. that's my bag. i'm like how could it have been his bag. that does not make any sense. that was it. he hurried away. >> the young woman said that the gash in her bottom was about two inches long. an e.r. physician told her the cut was consistent with that cut by a razor's edge box cutter. four other women have been cut. the suspect is hispanic. store pictures have not yielded any lead. the victim wishes that police
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had gone over before. the advice? >> don't go shopping by yourself. go with a buddy, appreciably a guy. i will not going to shopping without my fiance. to be standing here in this organization here with this history and looking to go forward, that's amazing. you are not going to remember albert haynesworth as a bust. you will remember him as a great player. that's what i lived for. the money is awesome, it's great. i'm out here, when i line up in front of somebody, when i put the helmet on, that's to kick butt and make sure that the guy knows i'm the best player he ever played against. >> wow! >> that is what we call a textbook example of words not matching your action. the albert haynesworth era is
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over. you have more from big al's departure. a lot of people are saying, don't let the door hit you on the you know what. >> that's what he was. he was a bust. this move by the redskins was a long-time coming. the revved skins had 132 days of lockout time to decide what to do with albert shanahan -- hall berth haynesworth. now he is no longer the problem of mike shanahan but bill belichick. he signed on for seven years and $100 million. his ten our lasted 20 games over two years. he pocket the more than $35 million. his time in d.c. ens with a glorious four-game suspension. under some acquisition, the skins agreed to terms with three free agents, stephen
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bowen, a defensive send with cowboys, chris chester, from the ravens and eagle punder sat riacca who becomes the 9th player since 1999 to be the skins' starting punter. the redskins have signed many of the drafted rookies but a couple who have not been signed, there are probably a couple of the most important. we'll update you on that coming up in sports the controversy surrounding a mega church pastor is not going away. why a new accuser has emerged a week after a new settlement has emerged. and a popular game show host ended up in the hospital. >> and we are talking about the return of the heatadvisory. we'll let you know how long that will last.  [ child's voice ] ooh, that looks good.
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[ child's voice ] can i have some? [ child's voice ] you guys should rock, paper, scissors for it. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. i win! oh, man. [ muffled ] congratulations. [ male announcer ] get your own subway® bbq pulled pork sub. slow-cooked pork with bold barbecue sauce.
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jeopardy host alex trebek needs surgery after chasing down a burglar who probing into his hotel room. the 71-year-old told police he spotted a woman coming out of his room. he chased her. he ended up snapping his achille's tendon while chipsing her. and our sister station in atlanta has learned more on the bishop in atlanta. a fifth accuser has emerged. an undisclosed settlement was paid to the accusers back in may. 20-year-old centino camp joined in the talks after he heard about the lawsuit. he never sued but became part of the final southeast settlement. >> we are learning more but how casey anthony marked her first taste of freedom. she had a drink. she was videotaped getting out
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of a private jet holding a half empty bottle of beer. the video is being shot around. she has to pay a $4000 fine and is facing several civil lawsuits. the omega fraternity is in town. the stars are coming out tonight, practicing their signature step. and good news for all the folks who will be in town this weekend. why parking in the district got a little easier. but, first, the most expensive fender bender ever. happened in front of a casino in monaco. a woman in a blue bentley scraped the side of a benz before plowing into a ferrari and then proceeded to run into an ashton and a porsche. more than $1.1 million is the estimated damage.
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shaquille o'neal and tom joyner some of the big names popping up at a big convention in downtown. downtown d.c. will look like a sea of purple and gold. they are the colors of pesi, alpha omega, the oldest african american from a terp. >> stem is part of the tradition. >> and you are liable to see some impromptu practicing before the beg show friday night on howard's campus. >> you want to celebrate 100 years of omega pesi. they call themselves the q because the o in omega looks
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like a many don't let this smooth faith fool you, doll. >> that's the name? all the name and the above. >> the head of the organization -- excuse me, the grand boffilis says that this conclave is serious business. >> we love to party but when it comes to the real business and the substance of this organization, we want to pay tribute to the good men who have made us what we are today. >> this is not just any from a certainty convention. they like to both that they have star power. they are expecting shaquille o'neal, jesse jackson and tom joyner to a few. honors wept to virginia governor doug wilder, earl graves and civil rights activist vernon jordan. >> i did not get here by myself. so, there are an awful lot of people who shared this honor with me today. >> frat leaders say they have a
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lot on their plate. they are also focusing on a new father hoot thingsative to monitor young buys. >> we are working with the house on that initiative because we believe that in orthopaedic for to us move grill into the future, we have to be able to bring with us our youth. >> and lest any brother forget the motto. >> manhood, scholarship. >> karen gray, fox five the district making it a little easier for you to give them money. they launched the pay by phone. you have to register online first and then use an app for a website or toll free number to pay as you park. there is a 30 cents fee each which covers the credit card processing. officers will get information real time on their hand held
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device. you can still pay the old time passioned if you would like. a scroll-inspired skrabble- inspired street side in the jackson heights neighborhood marked the spot of the birthplace of the popular decade. the letters are blocked out under proper scrabble points but it mysteriously vanished. the total word score for that sign, 14 points and the highest number of points that can be scored on the first movies 128 for the word mujiks which means russian peasants. >> you know a lot about scrabble. >> that right there is why they
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feed me a lot of information. that does not fit my vision. >> what's amazing is that you have to pass legislation to get the street sign up. that takes a lot of work. >> maybe you can pull some strings to do that. >> maybe you can pull some strings to make sure it's not as bad. the humidity has come roaring back into town. dew point above 70 and that's real noticeable. we describe that as a little uncomfortable. did it look like it wanted to rain to you for a while today? let me show you that we had a complex of storms passing by to our north and we had some cloud cover from them. what we amounted to here is just a few sprinkles here and there. as we give you a wider picture, we do have a lot of thickening serious clouds, thin clouds out there and that's what you see here. we put this into motion. this is dipping down very quickly to kind of nip some of our northern and eastern swush with the shower. it's possible that some of this
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could swing by later tonight, too. we're going to keep a slight chance of a shower in the forecast as well as those clouds. meanwhile, we have a heat advisory for tomorrow. i know today was hot. tomorrow is going to be hotser. humidity will also be climbing. last week, we had heat indexes at 121 degrees here in d.c the heat index tomorrow for temperatures in the triple digit, with the heat indexes between 103 to 110. that is not great but that is not going to feel like it did last friday. meanwhile, we did climb over 93 today. we are going to be topping that tomorrow and, in fact, we may either challenge, if not break some records. the record for d.c. is 99. we're going to go 90 and 100. humidity is up there. feels like 92 for the heat index, feels like 100 in quantico and culpeper and 105
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in fredericksburg. clouds around. a slight risk of a shower out there we'll watch what happens with the western pennsylvania moisture. humidity is back. heat advisory kicks in tomorrow morning at 11 and we'll go until 9:00 tomorrow night. it will be a hot and muggy day. maybe a few of us will get a spotty thunderstorm. at 8:00 in the morning, it will feel like 85 to 90 with the temperature of 82. we are up to 95 by the noon hours. could feel as hot as 102 and by 5:00, feeling like 103 to 107, air temperature of 99 degrees. as we head on into the weekend, it gets a little bit betterment not great but 96 degrees on saturday. 93 on sunday. a couple of storms might be around here and there, not widespread. we also have a tropical storm don that is in the gulf of mexico, maybe looks like that coming into texas. they are delighted by that because not on they been on
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fire in terms of the temperature but there has been a terrible drought. wake up. wake up. if it it is impossible for you to sit through the champ and not tear up, scientists rated this the saddest. the if i am many has been used in hundreds of experiments to gauge human experiments. i'm lindsay murphy out the redskins park. seven players are coming, three are going. and the florida marlins made a new friend in the dugout during a game against the nats. a praying mantises made its way
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on to a cap. everybody stayed away but not morgan. the mantis attacked freaking out morgan. [ child's voice ] ooh, that looks good. [ child's voice ] can i have some? [ child's voice ] you guys should rock, paper, scissors for it. ok. [ chuckles ] best of three? sure. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. [ scoffs ]
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one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. one-two-three-shoot. i win! oh, man. [ muffled ] congratulations. [ male announcer ] get your own bbq pulled pork sub at subway®. tender, slow-cooked pork with irresistibly bold barbecue sauce. subway. eat fresh®.
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good evening from redskins park. i'm lindsay murphy. the start of training camp got underway without a hitch. albert haynesworth is gone, traded to the new england patriots. the redskins get a third round pick in the 2013 draft. handlesworth signed a 7-year 100 million-dollar deal. he played in only 20 games for the skins recording just 6 1/2 sacs. everybody remembers the failed conditioning tests at last
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year's training camp. he was also suspended the final four games of this past year. >> moving on, it was first reported yesterday that the skins are trading donovan mcnabb to the vikings and this deal just got a little closer to going done. number 5 will sign is new deal port and report to camp in minnesota on sunday. this was expected since mcnabb was due a 10 million-dollar bonus if he was on the opening day roster. in addition to the trade, the redskins have also released seven players, most noteally center casey riabach and daniel. rod some some and sam pollasky. as far as the incoming players, the skins continue to beef up their defensive line adding stephen bowen from the cowboys. bowen, bottom of your screen agreed to a five-year deal. the team has also agreed to
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terms with two or players, offensive guard and former raven chris chester and ex- keeling punter sab riavo. these deals cannot become official until 6:00 p.m. tomorrow. here is what's important. the two most important players. either of those guys have signed. let's move on to some afternoon baseball. we are talking about the nationals playing against the marlins and jonny gomes making his debut, hoping to avoid a sweep to the marlins. top 3, no score. morrison hit what looks to be a sure out but this though goes into the ground. 1-0, marlin. stanton blasts a solo shot to center. the nationals fall 5-2. they match a season high losing streak with five straight losses. the real stuff, the good
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stuff gets underway here at redskins park tomorrow, starting bright and early. we'll be here, brian. back to you. >> thank you, lindsay. one moi look at the five- day forecast. >> we see a little business of disturbance from pennsylvania moving on through. we notice the trip will digit. it's always going to be pretty humid, feel like 103 to 107 which would be better than last friday. things do improve as we head into the weekend, a little. >> it would be nice to break the back of this heat. >> we will be back here tonight at 10:00. hope you will be back, too. 
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